
There are so many factors that go into managing and maintaining your weight.  Things that may cause and affect your weight are your habits and patterns. Especially those with sleep, eating, and physical activity. 

Tips for Managing Weight Gain

Physical Activity

For the ages of 18-64 years old it is recommended there a person receives 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity (CDC, 2021).  Other recommendations included at least 2 days of strengthening of the muscles (CDC, 2021).  There is also a role that comes with physical activity and weight loss. For example, the most crucial aspect regarding weight loss and weight maintenance is energy intake and energy output (Cox, 2021). The food you are taking in is the energy intake and the energy output is the physical exercise you are putting out.   The American Heart association recommends exercise because it is associated with. weight loss (Cox, 2021).   However, relying on just exercise is not what is going to get you to your goal. It has been associated with in many different studies that subjects who used exercise alone for weight loss did not see much results (Cox, 2021). 

Eating Habits

Your diet is definitely the most influential aspect and factor that is key to weight loss. Obesity and weight gain are known to be the fifth cause of death in the world (Solieman, 2014).  Losing weight can be tricky because there can be many other factors associated with it. Things that are associated with the maintenance of weight loss are genetics and how one's metabolic works together in order to upkeep the weight loss. The CDC has the approach of Reflect, Replace and Reinforce. Reflecting is trying to get you think about what is causing these bad habits in hopes of you finding something that could potentially stop you from continuing that bad habit. Secondly, replacing what was unhealthy in order to get where you want to be is what could help you reach those weight loss goals. Lastly, reinforce if what you are doing is new and needs to be changed it means that you might need to keep reinforcing it in order to maintain it. 


Ever heard the saying sleep more, weigh less? Without the sufficient amount of sleep and the goal of weight loss may be hindered due to its correlation with each other. It is shown in studies that compared participants who got 5.5 hours of sleep vs. those who got 8.5 hours were very different in the data. After taking a look at the data it revealed that those who got less sleep a night had less-favourable metabolic hormone levels (Chaput, 2012). This meant that those who were getting more sleep had a better chance of losing weight compared to those who did not. Sleep is an increasingly important factor when it comes to weight loss. You could have the best weight loss program ever made for you but if proper steps, factors and important contributors are not being met then there is no way to possibly be at your peak self of weight loss. 


Tips for at home exercises from UNLV students